
How can we develop an adaptable, affordable and circular housing model?

Toolbox 'a spatial shift of opportunities'

How can we experience the opportunities of the 'bouwshift' yourself?


How can we develop a platform to cooperative redevelop underused buildings?

Repurposed church Sint-Jozef Ambachtsman Ginderbuiten

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Behavioral Study 3 - Living Influencers

How can we influence the living behaviour in Flanders?

Citadel Diest

How can we set up a PPS based on local values?

Masterplan Lint

How can we densify and integrate social housing in the city?

Masterplan Heverlee

How can we connect two separated areas in a city?

Behavioral Study 2 - Transport and Facilities

How can we better understand behavioural choices in relation to facilities?

Beringen Mine

How can we activate mining heritage in service of a neigbourhood?

Vlaio Living Lab

How can we combe the advantages of buying and renting?

Complex project 'A New Border'

How can we build a framework for complex regional infrastructure?

Socially just 'building shift'

How can we make the construction shift socially equitable?

Citizen initiatives and the power of spaces

How can we understand the relations between citizen initiatives and spaces?

Masterplan Bijloke Ghent

How can we design a masterplan with 20 cultural organisations?

Team vivid cores

How can we work together to create attractive trade centers?

Bovenbouw special

How can we build faster and more sustainably?

Social Neighbourhoods

How can we strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods?

Westende Bad

How can we compact and renew at the coast?

Participation Herne

How can we redevelop a village centre with its inhabitants?

Supervision school projects for City Education in Antwerp

How can we learn from the dialogue between a school, the neighbors and stakeholders?

Participation support for AWV-Antwerpen

How can we start a conversation about infrastructure?

Parc Schelde Wetteren

How can we bring together the spatial issues and spatial ambitions around the Scheldt?

DUT 'Positive Energy Districts'

How can we work on Positive Energy Districts in vulnerable neighbourhoods?

Feasibility study Graventoren & Getijdenmolen Rupelmonde

How can we use heritage as a tourist destination?

Knowledge sharing Strategic Projects

How can we share knowledge about supra-local planning processes?

Study trip University of Antwerp

How can we organise a covid-proof study trip?

Toolbox 'City Trees'

How can we grow networks of trees throughout the city?

Masterplan Dilbeek

How can we combine different public programs in a neighborhood?

Back to the source

How can we employ citizen science to help inventorize springs?

Mijn kijk op de wijk

How can we map out a neighbourhood by foot?

Policy Plan Kasterlee

How can we look to the future together with the entire community?

Positive energy districts

How can we manage uncertainty in positive energy district design?

Studio Stadswaag

How can we make way for art integration in public space?

Participation support for the City of Hasselt

How can we start a socio-spatial dialogue in the city of Hasselt?

Co-creation process 'Inner area Lier'

How can we strengthen inner areas?

Sealevel rising strategy

How can we set up a regional-wide conversation about the rising sea level?

Safety in Public Space

How can we design safe public space?

Participation Studio

How can we empower municipalities in the art of participation?

Gent St-Pieters development pt.2

How can we rethink the area around one of Belgium's busiest train stations?


How can we put a region back on the mental map?

Let's buy the Police Tower

How can we collectively buy and develop a highrise?

Delta Atelier Management

How can we manage public space with citizens?

Study 'Zero pollution'

How can we create awareness around pollution?

Operation Open Space

How can we strengthen our open space?


How can we set up an alternative educational programme for city makers?

Study 'Transgressive behavior in public space'

How can we combat transgressive behavior in public spaces?

The social value of heritage

How can we capture the social value of heritage?

Repurposed church Sint-Jozefskerk Mortsel

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Plateau Ban-Eik in Wezembeek Oppem

How can we start long-term thinking in social housing districts?

Summerschool VAi 2017

How can we empower children in shaping their cities?

Sustainable Development Plan Brussels 2020-40

How can we co-create the sustainable development plan of Brussels?

Molen 41

How can we create a collective outdoor space for social housing?

Spatial lessons from the coronapandemic: Trends, scenarios and challenges

How can we understand the spatial impact of Corona in Flemish cities and municipalities from different sectors and learn from it for the future?

Master Plans Noorderwijk & Morkhoven

How can we build a vision for the future together with villagers?

LO2020 Genk

How can we activate unknown urban areas?


How can we make a city for and by women?

Expo 2018

How can we collectively curate art in our neighbourhoods?

Train Station Laken

How can we develop a former train station into a socio-cultural hub?

Antwerp Ringroad Phase 2: Parc South

How can we connect and give breathing space to neighborhoods around a ringroad?

Study ABO-axis

How can we rethinking a mobility axis as a lab for urban renewal?

City-building 2.0

How can we create a new generation of urban public buildings?

Louisalaan - Naamsepoort

How can we include the needs of neighbours in a masterplan?

The Turnhoutsebaan is Transforming

How can we combine traffic and meetingspaces?

Living Lab BRV

How can we deploy new instruments for densification?

Publication 'End of Mandate Bouwmeester Maître Architecte'

How can we bring together ten years of achievements?

Complex Project Viaduct Gentbrugge

How can we work towards an integrated vision for the future of the viaduct?

Assessment framework heritage

How can we consider the role of heritage in spatial development?

Real Estate Strategy for Global Works Lier Region

How can we provide more temporary emergency and transit housing?

Green bicycle structure Kortrijk

How can we envision four kilometers of bicycle green structure?

Master Plan National Park Kalmthoutse Heide

How can we give nature a chance in Flanders?

Studio Repurposing Churches

How can we redevelop empty churches to serve communities?

Repurposed church Poppel

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

To + Them (Leertraject Tijdelijke Werkplekken)

How can we let temporary workplaces learn from each other?

Masterplan Sint-Job

How can we support municipalities in their leisure infrastructure?

Turnhoutsebaan Antwerp

How can we unveil the different faces of a much-discussed urban road?

Study Dry-docks Antwerp

How can we create a new future together for a historic port site?

Masterplan VUB

How can we activate local knowledge to design a university campus?

HEIM - living in diversity

How can we support integration by design?

Dansaert Dreams

How can we rethink a neighbourhood with shop owners?

Cooperative Housing Study

How can we scale up an alternative to buying or renting in Belgium?

Urban Development Roeselare

How can we use the redevelopment of a street as a leverage for urban redevelopment?

Masterplan Campus Offerlaan

How can we make a masterplan with 6 very different schools and their pupils?

Living Study Ghent

How can we prepare a new housing policy in Ghent?

Masterplan 2050 UGent

How can we develop a vision for the transition to a sustainable university?

Make Zaanstad

How can we rethink the approach to participatory area development?

Turnhout city farm

How can we bring together enthusiastic entrepreneurs to make a sustainable place?

Leader project Shared Farm Roads

How can we avoid conflict situations on agricultural roads?

Blue Boulevard Hasselt

How can we together create an ambition framework for the development of a new neighborhood?

Social dimension of environmental policy

How can we make environmental policy more equitable?

Youth Participation Ninove

How can we involve children in drawing a vision for a new neighbourhood?

Softening the Playground Study

How can we help schools to sustainably redevelop their playgrounds?

Urban Forests

How can we bridge the gap between forestry and urban planning?

Playing Fabric Beerse

How can we characterise a play environment together with children and young people?

Transport Region Kempen

How can we achieve a sustainable mobility shift in Kempen region?

Participation support for AWV-Limburg

How can we start a conversation about infrastructure?

Luxembourg in Transition

How can we use soil and people as the foundation for a national transition?

Den Dam 2060

How can we participate in the development of a neighbourhood?

Green playing villages

How can we get children and youth to play more outside in green spaces?

Nieuwkerken Sint Niklaas

How can we create an attractive residential environment for the elderly?

Blueprint Beveren

How can we transform an urban area?

Anticipatory repurposing

How can we anticipate demand for space?

Repurposed church Sint-Catharinakerk Kiel `

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Climate Adaptation East Flanders

How can we design actions for climate adaptation together with municipalities?

Participation framework Flemish State Architect

How can we integrate meaningful participation in spatial design projects?

Participation Studio sogent

How can we empowere governments in the art of participation?

Policy Plan Puurs

How can we think long-term about living, working and mobility?

Open Call Station Area Ruisbroek

How can we turn a transit zone into a residential zone as well?

City Hall Leuven

How can we transform a city hall into a 'hall for the city'?

Study trip Vienna

How can we inspire students in Vienna?

Upkot around the Loop in Ghent

How can we shape a vibrant new city district?

Master Plan Landscape park Zwin

How can we preserve and enhance the qualities of our landscape


How can we repurpose an unnecessary airport?

Repurposed church Sint-Servatiuskerk in Klein-Ravels

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Participation support for AWV-Oost-Vlaanderen

How can we start a conversation about infrastructure?

Learning Network Sustainable Cities

How can we shape a learning network on sustainable neighbourhoods for various Flemish institutions?

Policy Plan Herentals

How can we make a cross-community spatial plan?

Circular Economy Houthalen-Helchteren

How can we work towards a circular business park?

Study Living in Geraardsbergen

How can we set up a municipality-wide conversation about housing?

Brownfield best-practices

How can we share knowledge about brownfield development?

DNA of the village Paradijs

How can we discover the DNA of their village together with residents?

DNA of the village Moorsele

How can we discover the DNA of their village together with residents?

DNA of the village Passendaele

How can we discover the DNA of their village together with residents?

Egelsvennen Mol

How can we To revalue a vulnerable residential area with heritage value while adapting it to the climate challenges, needs and wishes of today's residents.

Stadium Beringen Mine

How can we revive a historic football stadium?

Participation studio 2.0

How can we empower organisations in the art of participation?

Making the construction process more sustainable

How can we facilitate sustainable construction?

Sustainable Urban Development Mortsel

How can we deal with densification in urban areas?


How can we identify modes of learning outside formal settings?

Cultural House Hoogstraten

How can we envision a cultural centre as 'third place'?

Publiaction '10 years Endeavour'

How can we celebrate ten years of Endeavour?

Study Muide-Meulestede Ghent

How can we co-create a neighbourhood agenda?

Repurposing profiles for churches

How can we streamline the repurposing of churches?

Urban Renewal Project Otterstraat Turnhout

How can we redevelop a neighbourhood economically and socially?

Study Flemish Calls

How can we increase the impact of spatial calls by the Flemish Government?

Begijnendreef Turnhout

How can we create a circular hub with a city and its inhabitants?


How can we reimagine collective space in social housing?

Study trip to Milan

How can we inspire students in Milan?

Repurposing The Aa Site in Leuven

How can we develop a strategy for alternative city-making?

Promising Young Architects

How can we use architecture to share?

The Kruierie Balen

How can we allow existing and new partners of a library and leisure centre to create a third place?

Playing Fabric Leuven

How can we give children a voice in designing their own play environment?

Repurposed church Massenhove

How can we give churches a meaningful new purpose?

Energy Transition Pajottenland

How can we tailor the energy transition to a landscape?

Mission and vision for Heempark Genk

How can we work with volunteers to build a climate-robust and healthy?

Behavioral Study 1 - Compact living

How can we live more compact in Flanders?

Energy landscapes OVK-Waas

How can we cooperatively shape the energy transition at a regional level?

Antwerp Ringroad Phase 1: East

How can we reconnect two neighborhoods disconnected by a ringroad?

Climate Adaptation Strategy Antwerp

How can we co-create a climate adaptation strategy for a metropolis?


How can we give recreation a future around the lake of Donk?

Side Roads Liedekerke

How can we develop socio-spatial strategies for a dense fabric?

Urban vision Ghent

How can we collaborate better in creating public space?

Neighbourhood development Runkst

How can we draw up a future plan for a neighbourhood?

Playing Fabric Antwerp Dam

How can we formulate a relevant program for sporting and playing in public space?

Train Station Environments

How can we build better train station environments?

Research Focus Environmental Department

How can we co-create a 10-year departmental research focus?

Working differently on living

How can we connect living and working?

Transformation project 'Reparcelling Wondelgem'

How can we actually transform suburbs?

Break out!-Campaign

How can we encourage citizens to break out stones?


How can we convert a tunnel roof to a residential function?

Participation support for Province of Antwerp

How can we start a socio-spatial dialogue in the province of Antwerp?

Livingneighbourhood Muizen

How can we revitalize neighborhoods?

DNA of the village Koksijde

How can we discover the DNA of their village together with residents?

Motion scans

How can we get people moving in public space?